Contact us
Depending on the case, we offer an hourly rate or a flat rate. We keep detailed logs of the time spent on your case. We only work for as long as a case requires, so you’ll never be over-billed for unproductive time. Retainers must be paid upfront.
Tell us about your legal inquiry, and we’ll call you back to schedule an appointment. Please be as detailed as possible. Our general response time is one business day.
Be Advised
DO NOT SEND or include any information if you consider the information confidential. By sending this email you agree that the information does not create a lawyer-client relationship, and that any information is not confidential and not privileged.
Book an appointment now
Don't have time to call or would you like to make an appointment outside our normal business hours? Book online by clicking the book an appointment button!
➤ location
3839 Constellation Road, Suite C
Lompoc, CA 93436
➤ Office Hours
Monday - Thursday
9AM - 5PM
By Appointment Only
(805) 364-2778
*Should you choose to contact the Office via SMS/text message, you impliedly consent to receiving reply SMS/text messages. You may opt out at any time.