Disclaimer & Privacy Policy

General Information about the Website

The information you obtain on this Website is not, nor is it intended to be, legal advice. It is intended solely for informational purposes. You should not undertake, or abstain from undertaking, any action, including legal action, based upon the information contained on the Website without first consulting an attorney for advice regarding your individual situation. Simply contacting the Law Office of Robert E. Traylor, PC (the “Office”) does not create an attorney-client relationship until an agreement has been reached to handle a particular matter. Generally, the formation of an attorney-client relationship will require a written fee agreement executed by both parties. Although the information on this Website is intended to be accurate, we do not guarantee that it is current, accurate, or complete. To the extent permitted by law, the Office disclaims any liability to any person for any loss which may arise from relying on or by using information contained on this Website.


Please do not share your confidential information

Unsolicited confidential information may not be protected by the attorney-client privilege and may not be treated as confidential. You should not provide any confidential information in the absence of an agreed-upon attorney-client relationship or without first speaking to an attorney at the Office and receiving authorization to provide confidential information. If you elect to transmit unsolicited, confidential information to anyone at the Office, you understand and agree that this will not disqualify the Office from representing another party in any matter to which the information relates. 


How we collect your information

The Office is quite unlike so many major corporations across this country, endlessly attempting to monetize your information. Not here. While your information may be gathered through web-based forms, over the phone, on paper, in person, or text message (should you so choose, and more on that below), any information you share with the Office will be used for the sole purpose of furthering your legal matter. 


How we contact prospective clients and communicate with clients

The Office will not solicit professional employment by in-person, live telephone or real-time electronic means without first being contacted by a prospective client. Prospective clients should contact the office to schedule an appointment. Appointments can be scheduled in a myriad of ways. They all work, just pick the one you like best. 


Once you have retained the Office to represent you in your legal matter, when communicating with clients, we generally try to “meet you where you are.” If you would rather meet in person than on the phone, we can do that. If you would rather email than call, we can do that. If you’d rather call than text, we can do that too. And despite the ubiquitous nature of text messages, it’s not our first choice, so you won’t be bombarded with a persistent stream of obnoxious texts. If you don’t want to be text messaged (which seems improbably as the Office does not use text messages as a default means of communicating with clients), just ask. We’re happy to call you. Or send you an email. Or write you a letter. Or send up smoke signals. It’s your choice. 


How we use client information 

The Office will only use your information to communicate with you, manage the attorney-client relationship, and further your legal matter. The Office exists to help clients with their legal matters, not to share or sell your data. We get it – no one wants spam calls and texts. 


Who your information is shared with

NONE of your information will be shared with ANY third party (outside the normal course of representation in the furtherance of your legal matter) without your consent, as doing so would likely run afoul of more than one of the State Bar of California’s Rules of Professional Conduct. After all, if you cannot trust your attorney with your information, you probably need a different attorney. To be clear, the Office will not share SMS/text message consent and/or phone numbers with third parties or for marketing purposes. 


If you have a legal issue you wish to discuss, please call the office at 805-364-2778 or contact us through the Website.